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The unimaginable happened! At 73 I had to retire. Change my lifestyle, geographical location & climate. Not to mention, many things you take as granted! Due to mainly my own ignorance, I`m left with only a minimal rent, not quite sufficient to make a living in Switzerland. Therefore I have to "Check-Out" and take refuge in Ghana. Fortunately I had the foresight to renovate our humble bungalow in the Accra West Hills. A new car for reliable transportation was also a must, as the Nissan Almera gave up the ghost!

Live in Ghana is not so bad, the climate is warm (hot), (Draft-)beer is available and at SHOPRITE and the local markets, we find most of the stuff we need. What I miss is a decent bread, tender meat. In general there is a lack of variety and refinement. But so far it works for me! There are some cool places to chill, the people are friendly and love to have fun, so do I, as long as possible!

SlideShow:Ghana 2015

ELMINA CASTEL Easter trip 2015

On Good Friday we departed for Cap Coast and Elmira Castle. This was the first longer trip with the "Nissan Qashqai" and it went without any hitch. However we overshoot our destination and almost landed in Takoradi! A Toll-Boot official corrected us and we back-tracked. When we arrived at the right spot, all Beach Resorts where fully booked or anyway too expensive. Luckily I made a booking at "Eden Lodge", a cheap place at the outskirt of Cap Coast. I had my doubts about the place but it turned out to be very good. At US$ 18.- a nigh a real bargain, but they soon increased the price!

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GHANA I 19.02. - 20.04.2015

It happened! Since 1st January 2015 I'm in finally in pension and a bit lost! Fortunately I can still look forward to our migration to Accra, Ghana. In a first phase we will still keep our Home in Switzerland. Kurt & Oliver moved into the 4 1/2 room flat and we maintain a room for our future stays as long as this arrangement lasts! We will shuttle between Switzerland and Ghana in 3 months intervals, trying to get the best out of the 2 worlds. Presently we are enjoining our first period in Ghana. The old Nissan Almera broke down with a damaged automatic gear box. We decided to purchased a new Nissan QASHQAI 4x4 in spite of lack of budget, since a repair was not feasible .

Our main problem is the lack of electricity: 24h off of than 12h on, if we are lucky!

GHANA II 30.07. - 26.09.2015

One day before my birthday we took off to Accra. This time with Lufthansa via Frankfurt. Long distances to walk but a convenient arrival time in Accra giving us plenty time for some welcome beers. In the house everything was fine, thank you Sami! At the beginning we needed some time to adjust again. Unlike during holidays you cannot party everyday! Anyway the 3 months where passing by, like nothing. The weather was fine and the temperatures very moderate. Mostly around 28°C during the day. We had some work to do but money was restricting my activities. We also skipped a trip to Togo leaving it to our next stay which will last for at least 4 months. All was going smooth. We had a visitor, Antonia, from Nigeria for a month and Nancy got good company. Unfortunately I forgot my cameras in Switzerland and was therefore not in a position to take new shots. Of course the "girls" took many "Selfies" but they are not for public viewing!