with Fritz 2018




GHANA III the final tasks
30.01. - 28.05.2016
End February our next stay, this time for 4 months. We took British Airways via Heathrow. We started the "final" works and managed to get the water distribution system to work. Not for long! The cheap Chinese fittings can not withstand pressure and we get (tinny) leaks and air into the system. This is no good! Version 6 should eliminate all problems by lowering pressure, straightening pipe works and minimize joints. So far (24.11.16) it works!

The sudden death of Nancy's mother (alias "Sister") dampened our mood and Nancy is still down and got sick!
All went well until middle of the 4th months when I suddenly experienced heavy pain and dumbness in my right leg. This followed by loss of power in the same. At first, I thought of another thrombosis but at home a MRI revealed another herniated vertebral disc just above the already operated section (3 discs). Next year, I fear artificial hip joints and maybe, a new brain are due! This calls for another operation: Spondylodese and an extension of the already existing construct, to an "Eifeltower". This will of course delay our next visit!- By the way the operation is scheduled for 26.07.16.
after the 2nd Spondylodese  (Rügratversteifung)
06.09.2016 - 10.12.2016
After my successful operation ("Spondylodese") at the Triemli Hospital and Rehab in Zurzach it got time to move on. Still a bit stiff and cranky we started preparations. This will be the last stay with a return to our home in Fahrweid. Kurt is moving out and we and Oliver have to vacant the place due to financial constrains. I got myself a resident permit for Ghana and will leave Switzerland. This means "By-By" to the expensive "Krankenkasse". Billag, Taxes, and a hoist of other recurring costs. We will see how it works out and try to stay flexible!
International Health Care options are much cheaper but not available for persons over 75. I could only get a police for Nancy. True but, as it turned out, it can be tricky!
Mr. Lee mother`s funeral party in Osu
Mr. Lee and his wife where our guests for 2 weeks in October/November 2016. They came in order to organize the funeral of Lee`s mother. This funerals are always a big event and last for several days, ending with a party where half of Accra is invited! The party will be repeated after one year.

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