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Jossi Systems got sold to Uster and initially we were taken over in the new organization. I figured that this can not last long for me since Uster had it's own sales organisation in most of the key countries. Therefore I prepared for a soft landing. Invested most of my savings into our house in Accra (which we built 15 years before) and upgraded it for our permanent use. My poor AHV and Pension (Rieter) could not sustain a live in Switzerland and Ghana seemed the right answer for the problem!

The Final Countdown:SlideShow by Marcus Grossklausner
From Rajastan to the Triemli Hospital
February 2014
SlideShow: Rajastan, Udaipur with Suresh & Chamala

We started in Delhi and went to Udaipur, Rajastan, where we visited some customers and also did some Sight-Seeing on Lake Palace. The climate was agreeable but I was feeling cold all the time and could not only blame the consumption of Bombay Sapphire, maybe also the India Whiskey was to blame. The tour went well and at the end we got around Chandigarh & Ludhiana in old fashion. On the way back, after landing at New Delhi Airport, I really felt weak and had problems breathing. An electro-cart driver had pity with me and drove me to the departure gate for Zürich. This was my first encounter with Pulmonary Embolism.

I arrived in Zürich OK and checked in, via the Emergency, to the Hospital. They treated me for all kind of things, gout, arthritis,... and gave me a load of medicament which I was not convinced they will solve my problem and so I checked out!- Than the problem reappeared much stronger, weakness and short of breathing. I was whisked again to the Triemli Hospital! There I felt a bit embarrassed since I had to continue the rejected medication. The doctors looked disapprovingly over me and with the help of another load of cortison at least the painful part of the condition disappeared and a diabetes 2 took its place. After a week, I left the hospital again. Armed with an insulin applicator and another load of drugs. I had a foreboding that I will see the place soon again! (It took another 2 trips and collapses, before getting diagnosed correctly!)

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An attempt to travel to Gaziantep
(East Turkey)

...ended again abruptly in the Intensive Care of the Triemli Hospital

After the release from the Triemli Hospital in Zürich I worked 3 weeks in the office, than I wanted to visit my customers in Turkey. Although I was not convinced that my problem was solved I saw no alternative than to try my luck. A visit by my Dentist, a day before the planned trip should have given me a warning. I had great difficulties in breathing and experienced chest pain while walking. In the evening I felt very exhausted and my family advised me to cancel the trip. Of course next morning I moved out. I made it through the Check-In and the Security Check at the Zürich Airport. That was the end. I could no longer keep up. Lack of breath and power with a nasty chest pain stalled me. I made it to the nearby "Nespresso Cafe Bar" and asked the waitress for an ambulance.

They came quick and with "tattü; tatta" and I was rushed again to the Triemli Hospital. This time straight to the "Shock-Room", where they finally diagnosed Pulmonary Embolism. This I could accept and is also a plausible explanation for previous happenings (2 times at the Delhi Airport & now again). After another week in hospital I could go back to work, this time much more confident, my live threatening problem was addressed. Anticoagulant / blood-thinner was the solution.

Of course, after going through all the fancy machines and tubes at their disposal, they also diagnosed a luring heart problem, the danger for a stroke and confirmed the acquired diabetes 2 (cause: Cortison! admistered by them). This proved again that one should never see Doctors. This can trigger a chain effect and a live long dependency on their services!