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After arrival in Shanghai, I continued immediately with Jenny to Wuhan. We visited customers in the area, than by train to Xianfang where we met Collins.
We went with Mr. Zhang Zhigang in his car to customers in the wider area like Xinye and Zhoukou and on Saturday back to Shanghai by train.
Ningbo was another station I remember, mostly, because of the bus ride back to Shanghai. On Sunday with Shanghai Airlines to Urumqi.
We visited customers in the vast Xinjiang Province, partly with our trusted Miss Li. Bad weather hindered our movements at first but we made it to Korla. It was a turbulent flight in the small turboprop.
Next day via Urumuqi to Akesu in the far North-West. From there back to Urumqi, Shanghai, Dubai and back Home. It was a very busy trip and the temperatures and weather was not always pleasant but in all,
a satisfactory visit. Jenny, as always, did a perfect job to get the "Old Donkey" around!
The 09th April and still on the road. Quite a change in temperatures from China and Switzerland but 24-40°C is not so bad. Delhi, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Vijayawada, Guntur and Madurai, lay behind. I'm presently in Mumbai and will soon be back. Than I looking forward to Easter Holidays in Corsica! Not that I need more traveling, but holidays are different!
A short trip to test waters in Turkey. With Sun Express to Antalya and than by car via Konya to Adana. Customer visits on the way. Nice warm weather. From Adana to Karamanarash where we visited the most important customers than back to Adana and via Istanbul to Zürich. From the Airport straight to Winterthur to attend the Albany Festival to celebrate, with my colleagues, my 67th birthday. Yes, time is flying by!
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This time I began the 3 week beat in Mumbai, drove with Rahul Joshi up to Kohlapur. Back to Pune with Mr. Halagery. Flight to Hydrabad, where I met Gopi. Stayed 2 days than proceeded to Vijayavada. The Guntur area was quite hot and humid! Than to Madurai via Chennai. With Venkant by car to Coimbatore. After 2 days via Mumbai to Delhi. The flight from Delhi to Chandigarh took 5 hours due to bad weather we had to circle for one hour and than back to Delhi and again up to Chandigarh. An interesting Sunday activity! I met Suresh, did our work in Ludhiana, .., and flew via Delhi to Bhopal where we also met Yuecel Yildirim. Drove to Abishekh, a very curvy and bumpy road with lots of traffic! From there back to Delhi and Home. A good trip!
With Emirates via Dubai to Dacca, was lucky again and got upgraded to business. Never happened with Swiss! Dacca is getting very crowded and the traffic is horrific. Visited customers around Dacca for a week and than on to Bangkok. Thailand, as always was a place to relax. All customers around Bangkok, traffic OK ,good food and places to go! The week passed by very quickly and at the weekend off to Karachi. Also Pakistan was enjoyable. The weather and temperatures during the whole trip where pleasant. Off course, there where terrorist bombings on a daily basis. but this is not much of a threat in such a big country. Only the roadblocks of security forces where sometimes a bit of a nuisance.