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After a 2 hours delay due to heavy snow in Istanbul I arrived and the next morning Onur picked me up and we headed towards Corlu. It was bitter cold and the road conditions where not ideally suited with a car on Summer tires! Anyway we could complete our calls and flew to Adana. Your upcoming run: Marash, Gaziantep, Adiyaman, Malatya, Kaysery, Kaharmanmarash,... Always cold and windy! From Kaysery to Marash we encountered a blizzard and had some problems on the snow covered slippery road through the mountains! The summer tires did not help and also the fact, that we were not able to mount the snow chains, was frustrating. Onur, our trusted "driver" saved the day and managed to get to the top of the hill. Staying behind two motor coaches, braking the icy underground for him. On Saturday I finished this trip and it's now time to look for a new flat!
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Two Sales Seminars, one in Coimbatore, the other one in Chandigarh was on the program. Beside that regular customer calls to Bhopal, Mumbai, Srivassa, Coimbatore (again!), Madurai, Chennai, Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), Hyderabad and back to Mumbai. It was a demanding and hot trip. Almost every day another hotel and after 3 weeks it was time to get Home. There I faced the horrible task to shift to our new apartment!
The last day at Rieter crept up very sudden. Nothing to worry! Our reliable ladies, Priska & Desiree did it perfect. They picked flowers and folded
tedious banknotes and arranged it into a beautiful bouquet, prepared the drinks and made very good hostesses! Many thanks also to the ones contributed to the
"bouquet" and the ones attending!
Rudolf Meier and Silvano Rufo delivered their speeches without being too unctuous! The last I wanted was a funeral like display. So a big thank you for the kind
and humorous words and for preserving drinking time!
A big thank to Hauwa for showing up and being very helpful! Also my wive, Nancy, made it and we had a good time till 22:00! Thanks again and I hope to see you again, somewhere!
By the way, please mail me your pictures! I was a bit preoccupied and neglected this aspect.